
When to Trim Hedges 

Hedges and shrubs provide privacy and complement the aesthetic of landscapes. 

They are the perfect way to frame lawns and gardens and to encourage peace, quiet, and solitude. Thousands of years ago, however, they were sometimes used as a sort of political barrier and to form borders. 

Best times to trim hedges, including flowering and non-flowering – fruit trees & rose bushes 

 When to trim hedges and shrubs often depends on whether or not they are flowering, and their type. 

  • For shrubs and hedges that flower, it is advised to trim before flowering begins or late winter to early spring. 

  • For shrubs and hedges that DO NOT flower, it is recommended to trim after some new growth has begun (in many cases). However, some can be trimmed at any time of the year. 


Some examples of shrubs that can be pruned at any time of the year include: 

  • Maple shrubs 

  • Stephanandra or Lace shrub 

  • Mockorange 

  • Citrus swizzle 

  • Mulberry 

  • Linden 


Fruit trees 

Fruit trees should be pruned during the later days of winter.


Evergreen Shrubs

Evergreen shrubs should be trimmed in the spring to summer seasons after some new growth to continue to encourage healthy development. 


Deciduous Shrubs 

Unlike evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrubs should be trimmed or pruned before new growth occurs to avoid any damage. Typically the best time is early spring. 

Rose Bushes 

Trim rose bushes in early spring or late winter before new growth has begun. 


Why trim hedges? 

Trimming hedges encourages new growth and a healthier plant overall. It can also decrease the chances for rot as well as insect infestation and damage. 

How often should I trim my hedges?

Many hedges should be trimmed around twice every year, and some more, depending on the species or type. 

Ways to go about trimming hedges 

A landscaper or landscape designer is one of the best ways to go about trimming hedges or addressing any other areas of your yard requiring some TLC.

ou may also go about doing this yourself. However, keep in mind, doing so at the wrong time of year or inappropriate stage of the plant’s growth can cause damage and may even ultimately lead to its demise. 


Brant’s and hedge trimming & lawn care 

When the time to trim the hedges comes, know Brant’s provides lawn care and maintenance, and can take care of any pruning or hedge trimming you may need. 

Contact us today for these as well as garden edging, spring and winter lawn care, and more. Arrange your landscaping service today.